November Intention: Calm

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Oh Hey November, fancy meeting you here…

We just went through quite the weekend: season change (here’s looking at you snow ❄️), time change, full moon, Halloween, and tomorrow - at least here, summer is coming back. Hallmark has switched to its “Countdown to Christmas” marathon, stores are selling decorations and gifts, and I’m wondering… Is it December, did I miss November? I mean I wouldn’t be surprised.

Here’s a real story…

I hate being in front of the camera. I know everyone does. But it makes me insanely uncomfortable, my skin crawls, and I cannot stop judging the pictures. So the whole process of taking a picture… 😒

So far November has been a lot like that for me as well. I haven’t slept well, I want to ignore all my to do’s and just wallow and feel bad, and all those things that come along with not always feeling your best.

Yes, I do all the tips I will share with you in another blog post here. Usually it helps out, I feel better, and have a good day. But I’m just here to let you know, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes I just can’t shake that funk, that bad mood, that dark cloud on my own.

In amongst the highlight reels of our lives, it’s hard to remember that we don’t have to be rays of sunshine 24/7. If this is you right now, the past few days, this week. I’m here with you!

So as we enter this wonderful second last level of Jumanji, errrr… month of 2020 😅 leading into the holiday season, I invite you to embrace a sense of calm.


November will continue on with or without us, the Countdown to Christmas movies will still keep playing whether we are ready or not - I’m not, just saying. But regardless of where we are at personally, can we embody that calm feeling? Can we allow ourselves to rise to that higher frequency so that we may move through this time with ease?

I invite you to use this affirmation for the month of November. Use it as a tool to help set yourself up for a good day. You can repeat it when you wake up before you get out of bed, while you are doing your morning routine (drinking water, journal it, repeat it while walking), say it in your head when you get stressed at work, or any other time you feel like you need to raise your vibration. If this doesn’t resonate, come up with something different, or adjust it to suit you.

I wish you all a calm rest of the month ✌🏻


Expectations vs. Reality