Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know the Light Being Collective or At Home Yoga Crew is right for me?
If you were drawn to our site, I have a feeling you already know we might be a good fit for you. Sometimes, when you know… you know. But if you aren’t sure, drop in classes are no commitment! Or send us an email with your questions and we can have a complimentary discovery call. If you really want to know more about our vibe, check out the Journal, its pure unaltered Lindsay relaying guided messages.
What makes you the right person to offer session?
I love this question most of all because unlike most people I am not big into school and I do not believe credentials are a requirement for some fields. If we are the right fit, we are the right fit. That is pretty much all there is to it. The wisdom and guidance I receive is timeless, limitless and beyond our mind’s capability. The beauty is, this is within all of us. As I learn to reconnect with my Inner Being and journey along my path, I have more to share with you. That is really the only goal here, to spark something within you, to give you a safe space to explore the knowing. I believe in my abilities, and I believe in yours, that is all the “credentials” I require.
I’m stressed out all the time and do not have time for this meditation stuff.
That is your personal choice. If you asked me a few years ago I would have said the same thing. Or been so depressed I couldn’t convince myself to get off the couch for 5 minutes, or even sit on the couch and turn the TV off for 5 minutes. If you feel you are at this point I highly recommend trying some of our tools to reconnect, or even book a session. If you feel extremely hopeless I strongly encourage you to seek a counsellors assistance, this was life altering for me.
All this talk of Spirituality, the Universe, God, Whatever… isn’t this just another religion or cult?
I love this form of question, because no. Spirituality at its core is the original connection of your human being to your Inner Being and Higher Self, to all of us as one being. Religion, in my opinion, has taken variations of spirituality and made it fit into one persons ideal or mould. Spirituality is all encompassing. If you are part of a religion, good for you, there is nothing to say you have to give it up or change your faith, you can (or should be able to) try new things, or incorporate practices that call to you. Some spiritual people choose to use the term “God” for them that is easier, more recognized or comfortable than saying “the Universe, Source, Infinite Intelligence, Collective Conscious, WhateverYouWantToCallIt”. At the end of the day, use what feels right for you.
I don’t like most of the practices I hear about.
This is the key aspect of Spirituality at its core - you do not need to. You should have the option to take what resonates and leave the rest. If someone has power over you and is telling you your practices or beliefs have to be a certain way, and that makes you uncomfortable then it is not for you. Remember: you always have Free Will. Choose what works for your Being and feel free to disregard the rest.
Regarding the At Home Yoga Crew…..
What makes you the right person to be my yoga instructor?
As you will see on our website, I prefer the term “guide”. I know that sounds corny, but I truly believe that the energy of the collective group is determining the flow of our class. I am just a channel for what your higher Self / Inner Being is asking for in a yoga class. If you want the technical answer, I have been practicing yoga for 10+ years, and have a 200 hr certification.
You can’t even do half the poses!
I believe in a sustainable yoga practice. I think we have lost that in our westernized version of yoga. Some poses I can do and chose not to, or do not feel called to. Some poses I am still working on. Yoga is a constantly evolving practice. I do what helps connect me best with my Inner Being. And if you want the full story on why I practice the way I do, check out more about me. I’m an open book, you can ask me anything!
What makes your classes different from the other memberships out there?
The recorded and live classes from the At Home Yoga Crew are 100% inspired by you. I know it may be a break from tradition that I do not follow a specific style, ie. Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa, etc. But our bodies do not need the same thing everyday. As noted before, I want this to be a sustainable practice to help you come into connection. That means listening to what You need as it evolves. While most classes follow a traditional flow, sometimes it’s just a mash up of poses that we are being called to complete.
Where do my fees go?
Thank you for asking I am happy you did. This is my job, not that I really like the word job. The LBC and AHYC are my passion, my path, my purpose. I am here to anchor light and hold space for you. Your support allows me to maintain and replenish my energy as a business resource. It allows me to support local and small businesses, continue to advance my knowledge base, participate in trainings and workshops, and hopefully, when it is more possible in the future to volunteer and give back to the community.
What is your currency? It doesn’t specify on your website?
All monetary values are in Canadian dollars. I am Canadian and I made a conscious choice that this was very important to me.
Am I tied to a contract? If I change my mind, can I cancel?
Your subscription is on a month to month basis, or no commitment drop ins. You are welcome to cancel your subscription whenever you feel the At Home Yoga Crew no longer resonates with you.
Do I need props for your classes?
No! While I might not always remember to tell you, you are always welcome to use or not use props for a video. If we are using something you don’t have, feel free to substitute with a household object, make it fun :) Some examples:
Yoga Block, sub: shoe box, text book, hard pillow, folded towel
Bolster, sub: supportive pillow, lumber pillow, rolled blanket
Strap, sub: towel, sweater, belt
I live in a small apartment, shared space, or have no privacy in general, how can I practice yoga?!
The great thing about yoga is that it is a practice on bringing yourself into union. So maybe a busy space is a great way for you to learn and practice to breath and focus on yourself. Also, you only require the space of a yoga mat / towel, so… go ahead, lock yourself in your room and practice!
Remember: yoga is a practice, if you are breathing, you are doing it “right”
I can barely touch my toes, am I flexible enough for yoga?
I’ll tell you a secret… I couldn’t touch my toes either when I first started! But now I can, some days, depending on how my body feels. But I love myself anyways. I can’t do the splits, I just wasn’t designed for that. And I’m ok with it. I’m meeting myself where I am today, in this moment.
I have more questions!
Awesome! Send us an email: This is a living document and we will continue to update the FAQs as common questions come along.