Monthly Mindset: Proactive Healing
Did you see this month’s mindset intention? I am proactively healing my body. I am healthy and I am free. Right now, you might be thinking, ok Lindsay, this again… yes, this again!
I came across this affirmation reading Gabby Bernstein’s book the Universe Has Your Back. It was one of those – not to sound dramatic, life changing moments. I was like “wow, could it really be that simple?”. Then I thought back to the mindset that I used to have before I started to get real sick. I would be working in the architectural firm in Oakville thinking “I’m not sick, I’m just a little under the weather”. Now I’m not sure if this is a good example or not, because I was also working 6 days a week, 10 hours and would end up with bronchitis so I HAD to stay home. But I knew that mindset of “my body is constantly healing itself” was in there… somewhere. So, I started using this affirmation ever morning when I work up while I was healing from my mystery illness. Let me tell you, did it ever make a difference. When you wake up with somewhat debilitating chronic pain every morning, or at the height of my pain lay on floor cushions in your living room for 2 months straight, it’s a real mindset f**k – excuse the lack of better terminology. It starts to feel very depressing, like a hole you just can’t get out of. But that simple shift in mindset: I am proactively healing my body; was actually a light at the end of the tunnel. It is also extremely empowering, again its like stepping out of your victim mentality and re-taking control of your life, your health, your wellbeing, your future. At first I was thinking (as you may be), this mindset, this affirmation stuff is ridiculous, I can’t trick my brain into thinking that I’m better – it’s my brain! But let’s go back to all our conversations about being stuck in fight or flight. If you are telling your brain that you are sick, it will believe you are sick. If you are telling it the tiger is about to eat you, it will believe that. If you start telling your brain, its ok my bod has got this, I’m healing… it can take a step back and let nature work its magic. Your body is this wonderful creation that is naturally healing you at all times, no joke, your cells are constantly looking for “invaders” to defend you from – this can be where a lot of diseases like cancer come from. So, the less fighting against your body that you do, the more it can work its magic.
Let’s look at this mindset and where it applies.
The great thing is, in the beginning you really don’t have to even believe what you are saying. Your words carry their own vibration, separate from your tone, energy, facial expression, etc. When you are saying these words, you are speaking them into existence. Even if it takes you some time to believe them, when you start speaking them (aloud, in your head, writing them out) your brain will. Now this is a hard pattern to break out of because people expect you to say, “I’m sick” they don’t expect, “I’m healing” so you might feel a little weird. Here is what I did the last time that I was not at my best. I avoided the word SICK; man am I tired of hearing that word related to me, my body, my being - I’m over it. I said, “I’m getting over a head cold”. From that simple change in statement, I have placed myself in a constant state of healing. I’m not rushing through the process, but I’m “getting over it” as opposed to lost in it, or victim to it. I also now let these minor blips in my system be reminders to check-in. This is the first cold I had in 2 or 3 years. Now I know what you are thinking, “you had the mystery thing so you can’t say you weren’t sick” or, “no one has been sick these last few years we haven’t left our houses”. SO! Are you telling me that people you know, working from home, never leaving haven’t magically ended up with something?! Ok, moving on. Healing from this cold was also the first time in the last year or 2 that I have not pushed myself on rest days and have actually done nothing. Typically, when I am “resting” I feel a little guilty, I do this and that, chores, dinner prep, errands, etc. Because I “had a cold” I let myself do nothing. Laid on the couch, or in bed for days straight. I let what I was “doing” switch over to healing, my only job at that time was healing, not entrepreneur, housewife, yoga teacher, etc. My body is working hard to get me over this, I need to support it. The best way to do that is rest, sleep, let it do what it needs. This is exciting because I feel that I am on the edge of a new project, so I know that I need my rest, I need a chance to indulge in the low before I hit that energy high again. Other “flair ups” or “relapses” in my chronic pain points are always the same. Once I chose the mindset shift of “I’m constantly healing” “what is my body trying to tell me” I noticed the subtle shift. When something starts to hurt, or my mood shifts I have usually been: forcing, too “busy”, shoulding, people pleasing, eating crappy, etc. These things never come out of the blue for me anymore, there is always a clear trail to “how I got here”. Certainly, at the moment they seem out of the blue, but after acknowledging what is going on, I recognize the patten.
How does this relate to you?
Does any of this story sound familiar? Do you recognize these parts in you? Can you think back to the last time you were “sick”, what was happening? Maybe you have been feeling unwell for months, are you stressed at work? Unhappy at home? Pressure from family or friends? Maybe it was as simple as the holiday season and you have been busy planning parties, attending parties, wrapping up year end, shopping, baking, you name it, on top of regular work and daily tasks! Do you have that constant pain in your back, neck, shoulders, that is asking you to please get up from your gosh forsaken desk and get some fresh air?! Or take a moment for you? Maybe it is just go for a walk? Maybe it is “spoil yourself” (let’s work on that programming another time) with a massage or other treatment you love. If you took a second when you were sick, ill, unwell, and asked, “what is my body (or Inner Being) trying to tell me”. What do you think you would receive as an answer? Would there be something there? Buried underneath the conditioning that it’s normal to get sick? That it’s normal to “hate your job”, be exhausted at the end of the day, live for the weekend, need that glass of wine, need that vacation. Just something for you to noodle on.
Remember: 1. Your body wants to be healthy, 2. The Universe wants to support you to live your best life, 3. Every obstacle is an opportunity.
As a wise Shakespeare once said:
“for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
Wishing you luck on your mindset healing journey 🤍✌🏻