Monthly Intention: RESILIENCE
I know, I’m not sure what I am thinking here either. I asked for guidance on our next monthly mindset and intention, and this is what I got.
At the start this seemed like a very strange word for the month. But upon further reflection, I think it is very fitting to where we are at. March. 1 year since our world changed. Traditionally also a time (at least where I am from) where you are either planning, taking, or have taken a vacation to get you out of the winter blues. You have survived February, which is known as the blue month, with the highest depression rates. The days are starting to get longer, the birds are slowly singing to us a little more, and there is hope things will get better (or at least warmer).
If you are here you are unbelievably resilient! You transitioned through losing, pivoting or restructuring your job; the fear and panic narrative playing out in the media; the energetic waves of positivity and negativity in collective consciousness; the struggle of being home 24/7 with no one but yourself for company (maybe family, but work with me here). Give yourself a pat on the back, and mean it. I’m not telling you this just to make you feel better about yourself. Change and growth is painful. You would think it should be easy, but that is not why you signed up for this human experience. You are here to learn and grow, to better the collective. And unfortunately, that isn’t always without its challenges. However, if you didn’t have challenges, how would you learn and grow?
I’ll use my physical pain as an example.
Now that I have more awareness I am able to see my life through a different lens. Meaning I am able to see my struggles, short comings and failures through a more positive, if not removed, lens. My physical pain forced me to slow down and reassess. Before that a change of lifestyle and pace was just something I played with the idea of, in amongst my sadness and borderline depression. Deep down I wanted out of the 9-5. I wanted out of the societal standards that guide most of us. I wanted a life of freedom.
My bodies trauma response is my greatest learning experience and the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
I know - WTF?! Never thought I would say that either. Until recently when I did some journaling and realized how pivotal it has been in getting me to my goals. When I first started counselling with my therapist and work with my mentor I said the same things: I want to be happy, I want freedom, I want to have my own schedule, quiet mornings doing what I want, etc. Reflecting on where I am now, although it may not seem like it - to a constant bar setter like me, I have accomplished everything I set out too when I originally started my healing journey. Through my own resilience here I am. I could have been like countless other chronically ill people and joined team victim or team pill popper. My doctor gave me prescriptions for IT ALL! But I refused (not my recommendation to everyone) to be a victim of that cycle. I chose to be resilient, to work through it because I knew I wanted more out of this life. Because I signed up for this and I have lessons to learn. I know that can sound very rainbows and unicorns, and my path is my own, it is not for everyone. But I decided to be resilient and fight for a better life.
I invite you to take stock of your own life. Where does your resilience show? Whether it has been in the last year, 5 years ago, 10 years ago. Where did you take your own power back and show the Universe your resilience?
If you feel called, journal on the above question! You can use this affirmation to help get you in the right mindset. See all the wonderful (albeit maybe tiny) things you have accomplished, and then celebrate yourself!! You deserve it! We have talked about this earlier, your natural state is joy, and you are deserving of all the greatness of this lifetime. So celebrate you, and your accomplishments. Maybe it was carving out enough time for a quiet morning coffee or tea; maybe it was some meditation or body movement when you woke up; putting down your phone before bedtime and reading; maybe you finally said “no” and set some boundaries; washed the dishes, went through all your emails, filed your taxes, it does not matter how big or how small. What matters is that you did it! In a time when everything can feel like a chore, whether because it’s cold and snowy, you can’t leave your house, you haven’t slept in days, celebrate the small wins. You are resilient and you can accomplish all your goals.
Just here to tell you, I believe in you 🤍