A Season of Shedding

So... what is the purpose of shedding?! Might be my personal opinion but, shedding allows you to get closer to yourself. You let go of what does not serve you: striving, catering to others’ opinions, perceptions, people pleasing. Ok, ok, that might be high level shedding. 

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​Let's start smaller. Let’s look to nature as an example – because duh, fall… trees are shedding.

The tree does not change the core of its being, it doesn’t go from being a tree to a rock, or even a maple tree to a pine tree. At its core it is the same being. It just sheds an outer layer (the leaves). Why? Because during this season those leaves no longer serve the tree. So, what are your leaves? Is it saying yes when you want to say no? Forcing a relationship that you have outgrown? Watching TV when you want to read a book? Sitting at your desk when you would like to take a 5-minute walk? We talked about this before… none of these need to be life altering changes. Maybe you only say no once to start. Maybe you only walk one day a week at lunch. Maybe you exchange half your TV time for a good book before bed. Maybe you only want to meditate instead of working out. Let you intuition, your heart or gut guide your decision. If you were to sit down with yourself right now, take a deep breathe in, then out; ask yourself: what do I want to do right now? What is the first thing that pops into your head? Can you do it? Even just for 30 seconds? 1 minute? Do you feel more fulfilled choosing from your heart/gut vs. forcing from your head?

Let us use that as our guidance for shedding. At your heart is your authentic Inner Being. We are sometimes so out of touch with that part of Self because of all the shoulding.

Fall is a season of shedding

Just look at our greatest, most authentic guide - Mother Nature.

She does not change her truest Self for any others, she does not bend to their perception of who she must be. She stands true to herself, at all times, in all ways. Right now, she is shedding - getting rid of that which no longer serves. A season to slow down. To get cozy with yourself and loved ones.

Nature is our greatest teacher, our truest lesson holder. What can we learn from her? Realizing the most beautiful part of the season - the changing of the leaves, is short lived and impermanent. But is that not part of the magic 🤔

I invite you to grab your journal and ask yourself…

✧ is nature (the trees for example) harmed from shedding what no longer serves them?

✧ what about fall (or nature in general) holds the most beauty for me?

✧ what lessons can I learn and embody from nature?

Even something as simple as slowing down: hibernating. Getting cozy: maybe take time to light your favourite candle. Shedding: notice what no longer serves you, and let it go. Hibernating can be individual, this of course does not mean like a bear you have to quit life and sleep in your cave - haha. It might just mean you slow down, spend more time reflecting on your dream life, more time cozied up on the couch, eating warm nourishing meals. You do you!

Need a little inspiration? Try our monthly mindset:

I am shedding the layers that no longer serve me. I am the truest, most authentic, highest version of Self.

Whenever you feel stuck, whenever you feel at a loss. Take a moment to breathe: deep breath in, deep breath out. Repeat our intention and see what comes up.

Looking for a way to connect, here is a breathwork video you can incorporate. I invite you to also check out our My Story series to hear some of my personal stories on what I have learned, what I have shed, and how I have slowly, very slowly, made changes to get back in touch with my truest, most authentic version of self.


Much Love 🤍✌🏻


Shoulds and the Ego


Releasing Fear, the Need to Control the Outcome, and Surrendering