Finding Fulfilment: A Shift in Perspective

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You feel like you are stuck in the grind, you no longer even know what makes you happy, what is considered fun or play. You thought you were on your path to a life of joy and freedom, but suddenly you realize you are trying to fit yourself back into those boxes. How do you fit a square peg into a round hole? That is the question I have recently had to ask myself. I have spent 2 years (or more likely 5+) cultivating a life I really love. But, I am still so caught up in the act of “doing” that I don’t allow for the enjoyment of my successes, or integration of any aspects of self that I navigate, bring to the surface and heal.

You watch all these movies and tv shows, follow people on social media “living the dream”. You find yourself saying:

  • “I can’t live like that I need to make money”

  • “It’s cold here, it’s not the same”

  • “Of course it’s easy to do that in the middle of the jungle or on a beach”

  • “They must not have any family if they can just live off the grid”

  • “I could never live off the grid”

  • “I need to have a job”

  • Insert your story here

I want to show you that a cultivated life of fulfilment is possible, right here. In Canada. You don’t need to uproot your life, you don’t need to leave your job, you don’t need to break up all your family, relationships, friendship, you don’t need to live the life anyone else is living to have your fulfilment. Now that is not to say that I have it all figured out, or that a trip to the jungle or beach might not be important as a little reminder and reset every now and then. But you do not need to let that be the story that is holding you back from your dreams. I constantly get stuck in the “I’m not doing enough”, “I can’t do [insert everything] because I’m not [independently wealthy, living in a warm tropical climate, somewhere that following your dreams is socially acceptable]”. I realize that these are all stories in my head (when others point it out for me) but that sneaky ego just cannot help but hold you tied to the life you know, looking for praise and acceptance.

Here are the things I was struggling with:

  • I can’t have that life I live in Canada - hello winter

  • It’s easy for them to have that lifestyle, they live in the jungle or on the beach (not in such a capitalist society)

  • I don’t have the financial resources to try that

  • I don’t have the following to support that

  • I will scare off [family, friends, etc]

This was a big conversation that I had with my counsellor recently - yes, I love to reference my counsellor because I think that starting this modality was a turning point in my life, and I do not think any of us are healed and integrated enough to not require that support. Ok, moving on… I was recently reviewing these inner stories with her and we played that fun game of “is it true”, “where is the justification”. No, it’s not true, there is no justification for these thoughts. What if my purpose is to actually show that you can live an intuitive life here, in the snow, you are not required to throw everything in the air and high tail it outta here. You can still be an active member of society, but on your own terms, cultivating your freedom and fulfilment in your own ways. I said, “wow! that is exactly what I needed”. That would have been the missing piece of the puzzle that could have saved me YEARS of struggle. I am big on “expanders”; seeing to believe. I can get all these messages, ideas and downloads on lifestyles and how to be intuitive, but I have a hard time putting it in action, because anyone I relate to on these terms is again living in a jungle and not in small town Ontario. So we decided, well I decided, but her input and support definitely helped (hello wounded inner child looking for support and acceptance) that I have constantly succeeded in cultivating this life of Freedom and Fulfilment, I just forget to look back and recognize or celebrate it. So it is possible, you just need to get out of your own way to realize it.

What have I accomplished:

  • I have the house and car, had the career (while not important for my fulfilment, it was a checkmark for society standards)

  • manifested the love and support in a partner I require for my deepest healing work

  • supportive circle of people who embrace the journey through the abstract

  • a life where I am my own boss and can create my own rules

  • the ability to recognize the needs of my inner being

These all seem like abstract accomplishments, because that has become my life. My soul needs are no longer societal checkmarks, I no longer fit into boxes, it feels harder to “reach my goals” as they are not totally relatable by our programmed standards. But I am ok with this. I am slowly moving beyond needing to explain myself and seeking the approval of others. I am shifting my perspective on this reality, and what success and achievement look like for me.

Last year I had 2 ideas filter through me. One was a safe looking yoga business, that fit into the boxes and was easily explainable when people asked the dreaded “what do you do for work?” Firstly, can we please normalize NOT ASKING THIS QUESTION! The second idea was so abstract, it followed the model of these free flowing lifestyles. Very intuitive, impossible to label and fit into the boxes. It was all there, all I had to do was seize it. But I panic, those stories start creeping in, my programming says it “doesn’t make sense”. So I go with option 1. Ok Universe, I am “following my dreams”. But my heart is not, and has never been in it… so guess what, self-sabotage, blocking my progress, still trying to fit square peg into round hole. Guess what that means? I am at a tipping point, I need to make a decision. What if I shift my perspective to love and trust. I have been given all I need, I receive constant signs this is the right path, and I have accomplished all I ever have set out to do (that was in alignment). What if I shift my perspective to focus on my fulfilment. My inner being, not others. Look internally for my validation and support, not rely on others.

This is where I am going. I hope you are ready to come along on my journey. I don’t have it all figured out, but that is the beauty of the human experience. I will continue to share so that it may spark something within you. So that you may find your own fulfilment and cultivate a life of your own dreams.

Much Love 🤍✌🏻


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