Embarking on the Path to My Truth

The path to truth

What kind of an intuitive living guide would I be if I didn’t live my own truth and share that journey with you. That’s what I have been wondering lately as I struggle with past decisions, making new choices and changes. I would say for the most part, everyone thinks “following your path” or “living your truth” means that your life will be sunshine and rainbows and eternal happiness. But let me tell you, IT IS HARD WORK. The more self aware you become the more work you have to do. You have to constantly chose yourself, over and over. And not in the societal standard ways, in deep hard truth ways.


I have to consciously and consistently chose myself and what is best for my Self (with a capital S, yes, my bigger / higher / true authentic Self). Habits and deep rooted patterns tell me it would be easier to just “get a job” and go back to working in an office 9-5. Societal standards would also tell me that is a totally acceptable option. And you know what - a few years ago I would have. The difference now? My self awareness. My ability to look back and recognize how unhappy I was, the self-destructive patterns I had, how I wasn’t moving closer to my purpose and fulfilment.

So if I know my purpose, it should be easy to follow my path? Again, not always the case. I now have the ability to connect with my higher Self and ask these questions: am I happy? fulfilled? etc. And when the answer is not “yes”, it now causes me great pain and sadness in my whole being. I can no longer live a mediocre life, moving against my soul.

I have recently been struggling with business decisions I made, knowing in the beginning I was never fully following the messages and guidance I was receiving. I was still in alignment, but not being my full authentic Self. And isn’t it funny that now with my extra awareness I am able to see the patterns and signs that are universal guidance (some of you may say “eye roll”, but this is where we are going) that are telling me I’m not being true to my Self and my path / purpose. They seem like small things, but when a few small things happen in a 24-hr period, you can say they are “coincidence” or you can be like “ok, I hear you! Time to plan the next step”.

Release the outcome

Release the outcome live your truth

A huge part of living your truth, following your path, whatever you want to call it, is learning to release the outcome (and somewhat release fear). You have to be willing to give your control up to the Universe / source / higher consciousness / whatever you want to call it (WYWTCI). You are still a being with free will - hence I made certain decisions that were still in alignment when I wasn’t ready to fully embrace my path. This Universe / source / higher consciousness / WYWTCI, cannot make these decisions for me, that would be against my free will, and as a human being I am still here to learn and grow. It is as I learn and grow I can start to remove “mistakes” from my vocabulary and replace that word with “growth experience”, “lessons”, or “healing journey”. I am able to recognize when something is no longer for me, sit back / journal / meditate on it, and release what is no longer serving me. This may be a branch of a business I created, plans for a day / evening / weekend, holiday ideas, etc. I am no longer tied to it being “right” or “exactly as planned” as I have learned to trust in some higher guidance, that if plans fall through, it is for my own wellbeing.

Previously, I would have been stuck in the mental loop of things not working out, how the universe is against me - trust me, sometimes I still believe it is! However, I have also learned that by not being stuck in this loop and releasing the outcome, I have slowly started to remove myself from manifesting these “against me” moments, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Have you ever noticed when something doesn’t go your way, you usually feel down on your luck? Wondering what will happen next? Lo and behold… Something else happens. You spiral deeper, and deeper. Ever think that you have a hand to play in this? In expecting that something else “bad” will happen this is actually the vibe / energy / frequency you are sending out to the Universe / source / higher consciousness / WYWTCI, so of course that is what you get back. Until you learn (learn and keep learning) to release the outcome, you may not be able to remove yourself from or recognize this pattern.

Choose again

This is where the hard, deep work comes in. You must always be conscious of what you are “putting out”, constantly choosing yourself over and over. Choosing again, to reframe your view of the situation, no matter what is thrown at you. Of course there are always freak accidents, again, all beings have free will. But what if you made the small step in choosing that the Universe / source / higher consciousness / WYWTCI, is not conspiring against you, but for you. It is not happening “to you”, it is happening in spite of you, or even for you.

What if... the Universe were conspiring for you, not against you?

As I said last time, finding and following your Truth was never meant to be easy. But I am beyond living an easy, mediocre life.

Great things are coming. and I hope you are as excited as I am!

Much Love 🤍✌🏻


My Story, Part 1: How I Got Here for Intuitive Living


January Intention: TRUTH