Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Ever wonder why you have that pesky pain in your low abdomen or low back that you just can't get rid of? Maybe some pain and inflammation in your digestion? There may be a really simple, and fairly common treatment that you just haven't heard about - PELVIC FLOOR PHYSIOTHERAPY.

Until the point where someone mentioned this to me, I had never heard of it! Yet once I started talking about either it, as a treatment or my personal symptoms, the number of people around me that were like - woah I need this, or have this problem, was astounding. Based on that I would like to share my experience with you - as a woman (of a relatively young age to have these issues, 34), healing from stress induced trauma, healing from chronic pain and anxiety, who has never had children, and is choosing a whole body holistic healing route. I invite you to join me on this journey!

Are you thinking that you might want to see a pelvic floor physio but don't know what to expect at your intake appointment or first treatment? I was too... so I scoured the internet for videos or reviews, but of course you cannot find anything that is not by a practioner! Well my friend, this is the real, raw and uncut review of my experience with the pelvic floor physio. Why I went, what happened, how I am feeling after!

Have questions? Please feel free to leave them in the comments here or on YouTube! Or you can hop onto instagram and find the post about this topic and leave them there for the whole community to see. Feeling a little embarrassed about the topic (you will notice I have no shame when it comes to my healing journey) I invite you to send us an email.


Vagus Nerve Therapy